Renters Day 2023
Calling all private renters - join us on 21 March
When: 1pm-5pm, Tuesday 21st March 2023
Where: Westminster, Central London
Why are we calling you?
With a cost-of-living crisis on top of a housing crisis, private renting has never been less affordable and less secure than it is right now. Despite this, the Government has STILL not made good on its 2019 promise to end ‘no-fault’ evictions.
Tenants are still forced to live in fear, knowing that if they ask their landlord to do the bare minimum in terms of standards, or if they challenge a rent increase, they can just be evicted – out in the cold for exerting their rights.
With your help, this can change. Our Renters Day of Action will pressure the Government to end the renting crisis and bring forward the Renters Reform Bill now!
What can you expect if you come?
Join us on Tuesday 21 March, when private renters from all over the country will be going to Parliament and demanding the security they’ve been promised.
You are asked to arrive at our ‘base’ venue (more info provided once you have signed up) for registration by 1pm.
We have an exciting day of activities planned, including panel and advice events held by RRC member organisations, an opportunity for you to meet with your MP, a petition hand-in at Downing St, and an evening event with an exciting speaker.
Refreshments will be provided – and we will be in touch with more details regarding travel, timings and contacting your MP once you have signed up.
What difference will it make?
You will be taking part in one of the largest coordinated political actions taken by private renters in UK history. With your help, we can force the Government to take notice of the support for rental reform!